Saturday, August 2, 2008

Here We Go Red Sox!


Before you were born, one of my favorite things to do was to go to Red Sox games at Fenway Park. I went to my first game when I was about ten, with my childhood best friend. It was so much fun and from that moment, I was hooked! A member of Red Sox Nation for life! Games are pretty expensive and very hard to get tickets to, but tons of fun!

Daddy and I typically got to two or three games each season. When we first started dating, I took him to Chicago to see the Red Sox play the White Sox. We had an awesome weekend, but nothing compares to seeing them at home! That's why its fitting, I guess, that our first outing without you after your birth was to a Sox game.

Daddy came home from work two days ago to tell me that his Uncle Bill had offered him tickets for tonight's game. It was only the second home game of the season! I was really torn over going- I wanted to, but didn't want to leave you, and you were way too little to go with us! Who would babysit you? Would you cry? Would you eat? What if you needed me? Daddy convinced me you would be fine and that Abba had volunteered to be your first babysitter. I was so nervous, but decided to go.

I pumped a ton yesterday and today to make sure you had plenty to eat. I don't know why I thought a one month old would be able to eat 20 ounces in four hours, but that's how much I left with Abba! We dropped you off around 6, I could tell Abba was so happy to have a chance to spend time with you. We left quick before I could change my mind. We drove to the ballpark and had a great time. It was so strange, though, to be without you!

We checked in with Abba a few times during the game and she assured us you were doing great, but we still left early. The Sox were up by a few runs when the 8th inning started, so we decided to head home. I practically ran down the hall to Abba's apartment, I was so happy to see you.

The Sox won the game and I survived my first night out. It went pretty well, but I think we'll wait a while before doing it again!

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