Writing this looking back, I almost forgot one of the most important things that happened! Not just to you and our family, but to the whole country!
2008 was a Presidential Election year. By the time you are old enough to read this yourself, you will know all about elections, because Mommy is kind of into those things, so I won't go into all the details now- I'll just tell you the important stuff! For the last 8 years, George Bush has been President. Because he couldn't run again, there were lots candidates who thought they should have the job! Mitt Romney and John McCain were two for the Republicans. Mitt Romney was once governor of Massachusetts! Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama were two for the Democrats. Clinton is a woman and married to President Bill Clinton. Barack Obama is African American and a Senator from Illinois. If either of them won, it would be a huge deal because we had never had a woman or an African American as president!
As the election got closer, I was a huge Obama supporter. I thought he would do great things for the country and could think of nothing better than him winning your first election! Daddy was a bit more unsure, but he came around in the end! Eventually, McCain and Obama became the final two candidates, and they fought long and hard for every vote. On election day, Obama seemed to be winning, but I was still nervous. I didn't think John McCain would be awful, but I REALLY wanted Obama to win. I even made you a special shirt to wear!
We watched the news all day and election returns all night. You were long asleep when the results were in, but I almost cried I was so excited. When they announced Obama as the winner, I could hear people in the neighborhood cheering and cars beeping. Not everyone was happy he won, but I think most people knew how important it was. In one day, we changed the history of our country. I'm so happy it's been changed for you and your friends. Its such a different world you will grow up in and I'm so excited to see what you do in it. Maybe you'll be president some day... wouldn't surprise me, my amazing little man!
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